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Statement on MSD Tragedy

Updated: Mar 25, 2021

Today's tactic appeared to cross boundaries and stir up emotions across Parkland and Boca Raton as one person cited the Marjory Stoneman Douglas (MSD) tragedy as a response to a post concerning the fate of the children's private butterfly garden in Cypress Head. Although the butterfly garden owner defended her position and later offered to meet the person (A.O.) once this Cypress Head HOA matter is successfully resolved, an invitation that A.O. seemed to accept, it was necessary to share her statement in case this post is censored, deleted, muted, buried, and/ or misconstrued on NextDoor.

Sadly, it seems as if the Cypress Head HOA and Campbell Property Management Company continue to promote censorship and attack of the children's butterfly garden homeowner and the children's butterfly garden nearly every day. It seems like a new (and/ or previous) cyberbully is deployed and/ or emerges online each day through someone associated with and/ or part of the Cypress Head leadership, Board, management company, and/ or agent thereof. This is most unfortunate and appears to shed a negative spotlight on Cypress Head, which is truly a beautiful community. (Imagine the person and/ or persons who seem to direct others and appear to say, "Please post something negative online, provoke her, distract her, waste her time, and/ or online attack her and/ or her children's butterfly garden today." Now imagine those who respond to such calls. This appears to be a daily routine behind a few keyboards in Cypress Head.) This also appears to be a weak strategy on their part to attempt to distract the butterfly garden homeowner, to discredit her, to defame her, to trivialize the matter, to decrease the posts on this blog, and/ or to fatigue her from the battle to save her children's existing butterfly garden on the side of their home. The record shows that the Cypress Head leadership cranked up the violation notice mill following a NextDoor post on butterflies (1 Sept 2020) and a survey on potential property damages (24 Nov 2020). The dates match up as well as the language, frequency, and intensity of the invention of bogus violation notices that persisted. Since the MSD tragedy is cited in the same post today (24 March 2021) as the children's butterfly garden, by a spouse of a Cypress Head ARB member, the butterfly garden homeowner finds it necessary to respond herein.

This is the butterfly garden homeowner's statement in its entirety and, due to the very sensitive nature of this topic, it is the only one that will be shared in this post. No NextDoor screenshots, comments, and/ or remarks will be shared in this post. No support for the children's butterfly garden in Cypress Head will be solicited in this post. Please know that the victims, survivors, and their families and friends will forever remain in our hearts

and thoughts of this most unthinkable tragedy that befell Parkland, our city,

on February 14, 2018. Please remember them and respect them all.

Plant butterfly gardens everywhere in their memories.

Plant butterfly gardens everywhere to support the MSD survivors.

Thank you.


Neighbors and friends, a spouse of a Cypress Head ARB member associated the MSD tragedy with the fate of my children's private butterfly garden on NextDoor today. This is beyond reprehensible. It is also a blatant insult to our beautiful city. This association is disrespectful to the MSD survivors, victims, and their families. A relative barely survived it and many friends were lost in it. Our community may never heal from it. My heart aches for ALL of the survivors, victims, and their families and friends. My response to the spouse of the Cypress Head ARB member is as follows: The Cypress Head HOA's and Campbell Property Management's seemingly VICIOUS and relentless attacks on my children's PRIVATE side butterfly garden seem INCREASINGLY evil in the view of the public because it now shows that you are trying to associate the establishment of a private butterfly garden on the side of a home in Cypress Head with the MSD tragedy. I ask that you DO not inject the MSD tragedy into this matter to further divide this community. A relative of mine barely survived it and many friends were lost in it. HOW do you know that my children have not needed this butterfly garden even more as a means to COPE with the knowledge of this tragedy that impacted so MANY lives in our community?

Did you know that CANCER PATIENTS visit my children's private butterfly garden for years? One calls it "magical". Did you know that I reached out to the Board and the property manager to help start a PUBLIC butterfly garden in Cypress Head immediately AFTER the MSD tragedy? No. They refused the idea. They do NOT appear to be fans of butterflies and butterfly gardens, especially since this whole matter started as a PUNISHMENT to my family and me over a 1 Sept 2020 post on ATALA BUTTERFLIES. (That was the date of the first violation notice in the violation notice mill that followed.) So please do not try to improve what James Pepper, the new fake NextDoor neighbor (whose fake account was established with what appears to be the approval of our HOA president and effectively might have put CHILDREN at risk of harm) claimed was "bad PR" for Cypress Head. A.O., we can both agree that Cypress Head seemed to attack me, and then those remarks were magically deleted on the previous NextDoor post. Your husband cut me off of two Zoom meetings and yelled at me in the ARB, a male-dominated committee that appears to be NOTHING LESS THAN A KANGAROO COURT with predetermined outcomes, especially for female residents with small children. These are all facts. These FACTS would never have needed to be added to a blog (and soon some video channels, stay tuned) if there was NO censorship on Cypress Head NextDoor and my family and me were NOT the constant victims of cyber bullying by so many of the Board members and/ or their spouses (including you) and/ or agents on NextDoor OVER a children's existing PRIVATE butterfly garden on the SIDE of a home. The public opinion weighs in favor of my children's existing PRIVATE butterfly garden on the SIDE of our home. As a mother, YOU should feel compassion that my children have been TORMENTED by these repeated threats by the Board and management company to destroy this garden for the last 6 months. This is EXTENSIVELY documented and NOT an invention such as those that the Board, management company, and/ or leadership are trying to claim through demands to my family and me to "rip it all out", "remove it all", "move it to the back", or "install a 6 to 8 ft hedge". These are NOT corrective actions according to the violation notices. These are the opinions AND the subjectivity AND the vendettas of the Cypress Head leadership that, anyone who looks up, will see, is a long-time oligarchy with a PATTERN of vendettas and what appears to be SERIOUS harassment of parents of elementary school-aged children. I appealed to the HOA president and management company about this from the beginning, by phone and email, TO NO AVAIL.

Bottom line: Cypress Head HOA and Campbell Property Management Company NEED to fairly compromise on the status of my children's butterfly garden. I offered to remove a few FLOWER BEDS as the corrective action directed me in an effort to immediately resolve an issue that they have created AND intentionally delayed (very likely at the benefit of the HOA law firm according to recent private communication by a Board member). No alterations were made in response to the Cease and Desist notices. I wish you knowledge, understanding, compassion, and an ability to publicly APOLOGIZE to me for the offensive and defamatory remarks that you directed at me in my previous post, some screenshots that were posted on the blog and others that were not since they were SO defamatory and hurtful to my family and me. I will reiterate that my hope for you is that your husband, as a member of the ARB, stops cutting female residents off of Zoom meetings and treats female residents, and ALL residents of Cypress Head, with the respect and dignity that each one deserves, regardless of your opinion on the matter. Thank you.


Furthermore, I ADD: As long as censorship, deleting, muting, and/ or banning of NextDoor posts continues in Cypress Head, along with Cypress Head Board members and/ or their agents masquerading under fake NextDoor accounts, then ALL residents and children may be at risk for their SAFETY. I add that a golf cart traffic safety alert by another Cypress Head resident was recently deleted from Cypress Head NextDoor. Many other safety-related posts face the ax under any censorship. Please consider this. Thank you.

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